A Life Path Profile has three sections. To give you a taste of the content, I’ve included the first paragraph of each section to give you an experience of each one.

Each section has unique Tarot, Astrology and Numerological references, as you will see. These are part of what define the Path, Cycle, or Year.

Your Life Path Sample

This Life Path references the number 9, the Tarot symbol “The Hermit” and the Astrological Sign of Virgo.

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Key Concepts

  • Wisdom
  • Introspection
  • Inner Life
  • Transition
  • Completion


With this as your Life Path, you are someone who is likely to have a deep connection to your inner life. People on your path tend to be natural introverts, who also have a love of being useful. Your connection to your inner life can provide insights, skills and talents that are nurtured in quiet and in private. These same insights, skills and talents are then likely be become the gifts you offer to others.

With wisdom a core element of this path, you are likely have a natural kind of wisdom about you, and to seek out the wisdom of others in whatever area interests you most. You may be, or become a teacher, consultant, counselor or systems analyst as possible avenues for your wisdom to be expressed and shared. Or you may find that, whatever you do professionally, you are the kind of person that others seek out informally for advice and counsel.



I have seen a continuum of how the challenges of this life path can manifest. As someone on this path the need for solitude and privacy run deep, and at the same time, you are likely to have a deep desire to contribute, be useful, and see how your particular brand of wisdom impacts the larger world.

With this in mind, your challenges may be in being stuck in one extreme or the other. One extreme I’ve seen in people on this path is that they are reclusive, shy and/or isolated, limited in their ability to move out and engage with the larger world. I’ve also seen people who have been so pressured to be outgoing and extroverted, despite their inherent nature, that they have real difficulty allowing themselves the sanctuary of solitude.


Tools (An example of one of the tools)

Here are some suggestions that may assist you in dealing with the challenges of your Life Path:


When in doubt, in pain, anxious, fatigued, upset for any reason, WITHDRAW! Your inner peace will always be supported by time spent quietly and alone. Taking walks, meditating, resting, cooking –alone! —gardening, listening to music, reading…whatever is good food for you when you are alone is something to have on the menu on a regular, preferably daily basis.

This can also include a physical sanctuary of some kind; a meditation room, garden space, or any room you know you can retreat to that has an environment supportive of quiet, inner time.

If this is challenging for you, it may mean you have historic pain in this area. You may need assistance to heal and transform the old patterns; which brings us to the next suggestion:


Your Current Cycle Sample

This ten-year Cycle references the number 5, the Tarot symbol “The Hierophant” and the Astrological Sign of Taurus. This Cycle began on your birthday in 2001 and concludes on your birthday in 2011.

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Key Concepts

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Family and Community
  • Breaking Dysfunctional Lineage in family, community, business
  • The practical implementation of spiritual concepts


This Cycle is a 10-year period of time that will support you in learning what you need to learn to be more authentically yourself. It is specifically oriented to the realms of family and community, with the intent to illuminate for you where you may be limited in your authenticity by what you learned from your family when you were a child. Specifically, this is mostly likely to mean what you learned from your family, for better or for worse, about what kind of person you are, and what options are open to you in your life.

It is also a Cycle that is oriented to practical matters. It will likely support you in becoming more effective at manifesting and sharing what is most meaningful to you, and connecting with community in mutually supportive ways.



This Cycle can stimulate changes in the structure of your family, or role in the larger community. This may be both exciting and worrisome. Don’t underestimate the power, and difficulty, of making these kinds of changes. Depending on what kind of family you grew up in, and what they taught you about yourself, your value and your place in the world, the challenges of this time can be rigorous. A healthy respect for the “order of difficulty” of this Cycle can help you have both compassion and respect for yourself as you travel through it.

You may find that, through this process, you will be deeply motivated to make significant changes in your relationships with your parents, if they are alive, and/or siblings if they are relevant in your life. As you heal and release old patterns, it is natural to be moved to express this through real, concrete and tangible changes in the significant relationships in your life.




The 10-year period of this Cycle is an excellent time to actively seek the support of therapeutic systems or facilitators, books, workshops, healing systems or other resources that support increased self-knowledge and release from the past.

It may be that these kinds of resources will find their way to you and teachers and guides will appear as needed. At other times, it may be relevant for you to seek them out actively. In either case, your part will be to take advantage of the resources that come your way, through whatever means, and be open to learning, expanding and healing through this time.


Your Current Year Sample

This Year references the number 8, the Tarot Symbol “Adjustment/Justice” and the Astrological Sign of Libra.

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Key Concepts

  • Balance
  • Harmony
  • Fairness
  • Clarity
  • Healing


This Year always follows a Year of high energy and change. It is a time to realign, rebalance, reassess energy levels and find a new order of give and take, input and output in your life.

You are likely, as you move through this Year, to find yourself with a deep desire for more balance and harmony in your life. It may be that the changes of the past Year have left you tired and in need of restoration of your physical energy. It may be that there are things in your home or office that need to be adjusted for optimal functioning and support of your work and personal life. It may be that there are fundamental adjustments needed in significant relationships in order for them to reflect the changes you have been through in recent times.



Some people come into this Year seriously depleted. If you have neglected the feeding and support of your own energy, you are likely to find yourself confronting the consequences at this time. One of the gifts this Year offers is to illuminate for you where you are overextended.

If this is a relatively minor issue in your life, you are still likely to find yourself awakening to areas where more balance, or rebalancing is in order. Some people get out of balance through too much analytical thinking and not enough heart in their daily lives. Some work too much and need to carve out regular time for recreation and restoration. Some give too much to the other people in their lives and neglect their own self-care.

Whatever the specifics of the challenges you face this Year, they are there as a gift, to illuminate and help you bring to consciousness where greater harmony and balance will support every aspect of your life.



Honest Assessment

You can get a jump-start on the opportunities and challenges of this year by taking an honest assessment of where you feel you stand relative to energy output/input. See if you can get a clear sense of your level of energy and fatigue so the balance, or lack thereof, can be something you face squarely. The more clearly you can take a look at your stress level, at how and where you may be overextended, the more effectively you will be able to set about making the necessary adjustments.
